Squawk Radio

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Why Lisa Is So Slow

Hello, hello!

I'm going to start this new blogging phase of my life with a quiz titled "Why Lisa has taken so freaking long to do this":

A. Lisa has been under the weather
B. Lisa is a lazy chronic procrastinator who is currently late for two deadlines
C. Lisa's invitation to the blog got lost in the spam folder and she couldn't figure how to get it out
D. Lisa has two young children who don't respect her "me" time
E. All of the above!

It's E!

Obviously having me for a friend means you must be very, very patient and tolerant.
But now that I'm on board with the blog, I want my chicken! Something that reflects my personal style. Maybe a chicken with a boa and an ankle bracelet . . .?
Lisa Kleypas, 1:00 PM