Squawk Radio

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Christina Dodd scores with the firefighters

Okay, not really, but yesterday was a marvelous experience and after our recent complaints by romance writers who disapprove of photos of hunky guys, I must share.

My neighbor in the small dark hovel is a firefighter and his sixteen-year-old son is on a soccer team. In January, they had an auction to send the team on a trip to Ireland and one of the things auctioned off is a gourmet dinner served to six lucky women by five of our best — our firefighters. AND IT WAS ON MY NEIGHBOR'S DECK!! When Lynn (the wife of said firefighter and the cook) told me about it yesterday morning, I asked if I could take photos for the blog.

Never say, bloggers, that I don’t constantly think of you and your happiness!
Christina Dodd, 1:15 AM