Squawk Radio

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Okay, there's a good reason I don't live south of the poisonous animal line, the major one being the situation Geralyn just described. I *like* being able to go barefoot in the grass without worrying about killer bugs, snakes, fire ants, scorpions et al. Granted, there's only about five months of grass and then you're going barefoot in the snow but these things are a trade-off.

HOWEVER, lest anyone think that Minnesota summers don't have their own unique dangers, here's my story...

Late last night, I ventured into the dark backyard, to collect the dirty dishes my family had abandoned there when they had fled the arrival of the Dire Dusk Mosquitoes. I was not afraid even though the little blood suckers were out in force and yet, my bravado was misplaced for soon I was cursing and swatting, reeling around, a tray of sullied and ketchup encrusted utensils and implements sliding about as I attempted to evade the Hordes of Horrendous Hellions. And then...
agony, pain! I was attacked by a falling Dansk Moderna Fork! I fell, screaming to the ground, impaled on the vicious tines, blood rushing down my foot...

Luckily I managed to pull myself back into the house and latch the door after for had I not, I have no doubt the Big Ones would have arrived to carry my writhing body back into the woods for their Queen! (Mosquitoes have Queens...did you know that?)

Here's a picture....
Connie Brockway, 1:37 PM