Squawk Radio

Monday, July 18, 2005

Eloisa Returns from the Island of Napoleon!

I know you probably think that when a family of professors goes on vacation to places of great cultural weight and importance, we likely teach our children improving things, go to Napoleon's villa and teach them what an imperial bee looks like....right?


We swam, we caught jelly fish (beautiful little pink ones, bigger purple ones), let the jelly fish go, caught tiny fish, let them go, collected rocks, put them back, collected sea glass, lost it all...

Elba is a gloriously behind-the-times kind of place. The little resort where we stay hasn't changed since the 1960s, and it's got no plans to do so. There's nothing to do but swim, eat and drink wine. So that's what we did, when my children weren't devoting themselves to the ever-fascinating hunt for a better and bigger jellyfish. Our dog had a great time too. So, in line with all the other pets the Squawkers have blogged....

Here's MILO! The famous swimming long-haired chihuahua!
Eloisa James, 8:43 AM