Squawk Radio

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Packing with Christina Dodd who is not at all surly

When we moved from Houston to Washington, we moved from a fair-sized house into a small dark hovel (okay, it had a million dollar view, but it was very very very small and old — whenever the dryer spun, the whole floor shook), so most of our belongings went into storage. In fact, into two storages (storagi?). Both the storages storagi … hm … Both of them have already been moved up to the world’s tallest tar paper shack, into the garage and Scott’s office. You could say most of our stuff has already been moved. SO WHY IS IT TAKING ME SO LONG TO PACK UP THIS TINY HOUSE?

The movers are coming tomorrow. Scott’s not helping me because he’s up at the new house with the water purification guy learning how to get the flocculent out of our well water. (Stop giggling! Flocculent is a real word. Look it up!) There are boxes all over the place. And every time I open a cupboard, it’s full of more stuff to be packed! How did we squeeze all this junk in here?

The small dark hovel is the dustiest house I've ever lived in. I'm packing stuff that hasn’t moved in over a year and certainly was never dusted — i.e. the plug-ins for the phones — and they’re gross. Just gross. The new house has air cleaners. but it also has construction workers sawing things all over the place. Luckily for us, the masons disappeared two weeks ago (to Tahiti where they’re sitting around on beach in their grubby overalls sipping mai-tais, I guess), so we don't have to worry about rock dust.

Worst of all, soon my internet will go out and I’ll have to drive downtown to use the free wifi at the juice shop. But I will persevere! I will drag you all through each and every excruciating moment of my move, because by golly, if I have to suffer, you have to suffer!

Finally, your photo for the day. My custom front door which was supposed to be delivered six weeks ago isn’t here yet, but that’s okay because the outside front steps won’t be poured until next week. Note the plywood — very attractive! And the ladder adds a nice touch, don’t you think?
Christina Dodd, 3:40 PM