Squawk Radio
Friday, August 12, 2005

Teresa Brings You A Man for All Climates
Just a couple of weeks ago Lisa brought you Bill Murray as an unlikely but vastly appealing sex symbol. This week I bring you...David Caruso from CSI: MIAMI! I have to confess that I missed "Caruso Mania" the first time around when NYPD debuted. No matter how often he bared his skinny bum on the screen, I was totally mystified to hear that women were swooning over this guy who looked to me like Howdy Doody and didn't have red hair so much as orange hair. As most of you know, he disappeared off the professional map for several years only to reappear in Miami when the new incarnation of CSI appeared.
I started watching. And I got it. Boy, did I get it! Caruso has an indefinable charisma, soulful eyes, and an inner confidence that has nothing to do with swaggering machismo and everything to do with feeling comfortable in his own skin. His character, Horatio Caine is a protector, a defender of innocent women and victimized children. No sane women would hesitate to trust her life...or her body...into his capable hands.
So have any of you ever been wrong about your first impression of an actor or a man? I'd love to hear your story because after watching the entire first season of 24 in one marathon month, I have an even more disturbing confession to make--I'm hot for Keifer!!!
Teresa Medeiros, 9:51 AM