Squawk Radio
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Teresa Croons, "Come Sail With Me on the Love Boat!"
I'd be lying if I tried to tell you this job didn't have a few perks. And one of those perks is when your publisher sends you somewhere Really Cool to promote your new book. Several years ago, I spent an unforgettable Easter weekend signing books at Disney World with Tami Hoag, Jayne Ann Krentz, Iris Johansen, and Deborah Smith. (Although I have to confess that if I'd seen one more Easter parade or heard one more chorus of IN YOUR EASTER BONNET on that sunny Saturday, I might have stormed Cinderella's castle with hatchet in hand. After 500 identical renditions of EASTER BONNET, even IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL starts sounding like Mozart.)
I assumed that my promo trips career had peaked at that point and I'd be spending the rest of my career doing signings at 7/11's across the country. Until Avon recently called to tell me they were sending me on the Levy AUTHORS AT SEA cruise in April 2006! For those of you who don't know, Levy is one of the major book distributors in the United States. They've always been staunch supporters of the romance genre and I've already had the pleasure of participating in 2 of their promotional bus tours.
But now it's time to get off the bus and get on the boat! And the coolest part of all is that since this is a cruise for authors AND booklovers, I can take you with me! For full details on the cruise, check out the AUTHORS AT SEA website. Other romance authors who will be cruising with us include: Victoria Alexander, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Cherry Adair, Beverly Barton, Heather Graham, Cindy Gerard, Kat Martin, Connie Mason, Carla Neggers, JoAnn Ross, Sharon Sala and Christina Skye. We'll be leading reader roundtables, a slew of fun games and shore excursions, plus sharing a different dinner table with our readers every night. And just by purchasing one of the books included in the Levy promotion, you'll get a coupon for $250 off your cruise. (If you want to take your whole family, feel free to buy 30 copies of my September release, AFTER MIDNIGHT.) The Carnival cruise will be departing from L.A. on April 2nd, 2006 with ports of call in Puerto Vallarta, Mazaltan, and Cabo San Lucas.
Since Dodd and Brockway sailed on this very same cruise last year, I'll be able to cull lots of tips from them such as how to look professional while wearing a thong bathing suit and a coconut bra and doing the limbo while balancing a margarita on my nose. (Don't try to deny it, guys! I'm sure there are incriminating photos somewhere.)
As of today, I'm tossing away my Easter bonnet and from now on, I'll be crooning,
"Love, exciting and new.
Come Aboard.
We're expecting you!"
Teresa Medeiros, 1:44 PM