Squawk Radio

Friday, September 16, 2005

A recipe for the uninitiated

This is my last day as guest blogger, and before I blog, I’d like to thank the fabulous Squawkers for inviting me to be their chicky this week. I’ve had such a good time! And thanks to all of you who’ve made me feel so welcome. It’s been so great getting to know you and sharing stories. And now, for my last blog…a couple of weeks ago, I was invited to a baby shower at a neighbor’s house. I like baby showers. I like going to the store and shopping for adorable itsy, bitsy clothes then wrapping the gift with cute paper covered with bunnies or lambs. I love the food at baby showers—those sugar cookies that look that baby strollers, iced in pink and blue, and that punch that’s full of strawberries and sherbet. Yum. I love looking at other women who are pregnant and thinking with relief, better than you than me, sister. This baby shower invitation, however, was not like any I’d ever seen. The invitation read that since this was for a second baby (and the first baby was only about 18months old) and therefore the mom didn’t need a bunch of baby stuff, we were asked to bring an unfrozen casserole that the expectant mom could put in her freezer so that after the baby came, she didn’t have to do a lot of cooking. Now, in theory, this seemed like a great idea (although I was bummed that I wouldn’t get to shop for adorable itsy, bitsy baby clothes). But for me, this whole casserole thing was not so good. First of all, I’m on a killer deadline. My family knows this is not the time to ask me, “what’s for dinner?” because my answer is, “whatever you guys are making/ordering sounds good to me.” They know that for the next couple of weeks, if pressed, I’m more than likely to just offer them a choice between Raisin Bran or Cheerios. So, my first problem with the shower invitation is that if my deadline cooking efforts for my family involve pouring milk on cereal, I ain’t makin’ no casserole for the neighbors. But my second problem is…what the heck is a casserole?? I don’t make casseroles. My mother never made casseroles. My sister doesn’t make casseroles. I’m thinking it must be a southern thing. In Noo Yawk, we just didn’t do casseroles. Except for that green bean thingy that everyone and their grandma makes on Thanksgiving. That I can make. I also make baked ziti and lasagna but that’s about as “casseroley” as I get. So, instead of a casserole, I put together a basket with a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white wine, and a bottle of champagne—for the mom to eat with all her casseroles after the baby was born. So, what’s the deal with casseroles?? Anybody have a good recipe? Something simple, not too complicated? Or at least an explanation as what the heck a casserole actually is??
And thanks again, everyone, for making me feel so welcome! Y’awl have been great! xox
Anonymous, 8:54 AM