Squawk Radio
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Lisa on "Stuff I Stockpile In My Bathroom Cabinet"
Being a naturally inquisitive (okay, nosy) person, I can't help asking people about the products they use . . . "You smell so good, what cologne is that?" "How do you make your hair so shiny?" "Why is your skin looking so great lately?"
Do you know how much you can tell about a person by the contents of her bathroom cabinet? So many of our habits, concerns, hopes, preferences are exposed by the collections of liquids, pills and implements we keep there. Take a look at mine--you could tell in less than a minute that this stuff belongs to a mom who worries about her weight, tries in fits and starts to be healthy, and fights the good fight against encroaching middle age. (You could learn even more by looking at my medicines, but there's only so much I'm going to reveal!). I so envy those women who are comfortable with their au naturel selves. And I don't know who decided that men can have hairy legs but women should be smooth. But I dutifully trudge into the bathroom every morning, where I shave, tweeze, file, brush, polish, moisturize and adorn my mortal self, and emerge to face the day. It's a lot of work, being a woman.
I love learning about grooming products that work so well, people keep buying them over and over again. And I love sharing good info with friends who ask the same nosy questions! There are some things I stockpile, and if I ever hear the company is going out of business, I'll have to fill a warehouse with a lifetime supply.
Here are the ten grooming products I can't live without:
1. Burt's Bees Garden Tomato Toner

I have fussy skin, and this clears up any looming breakouts and gets rid of every trace of soap, dirt or oil. So good I don't mind smelling like a salad.
2. Badger Lavender and Orange Lip Balm

I've tried every lip balm ever made. This makes your lips smooth and soft without feeling greasy or waxy.
3. Big Sexy Hair products

Flat, straight locks like mine need all the help they can get. This makes my hair bouncy, shiny, and as full-looking as its possible for my poor little wisps to get.
4. Beauticontrol Cell Block-C moisturizer

This stuff is a pain to get, you have to order it off the net or from a Beauticontrol consultant. But it works so wonderfully for sensitive skin, doesn't clog your pores, it minimizes wrinkles, and it has SPF protection with vitamin C. And it has a subtle citrus essence that makes you want to eat it.
5. Beauticontrol "Show Of Hands"

Miraculous. Also difficult to obtain, but you can put it on dry, cracked, painful, terrible-looking hands, and a couple of minutes later they're dewy and smooth. I've tried similar products but nothing comes close.
6. Aveeno Baby Wash

I fell into the habit of using this stuff on myself after washing the kids, and it is gentle, thorough and makes you squeaky-clean.
7. Crest Whitening Expressions Vanilla Mint Toothpaste

Great breath, white teeth, terrific flavor.
8. Cutex premoistened Nail Polish Remover Pads

I started to use these just for traveling, but they're so convenient that now I use them at home. One pad does all ten fingers.
9. Mason Pearson Bristle Brush

To buy this legendary brush, you have to dip into your retirement account. But it's so worth it. Great for your scalp and makes your hair smooth and glossy.
10. Royal Secret Cologne

This is the only fragrance I've ever worn that people always ask about. I've been aggressively sniffed by people in airports, grocery checkout lines, cocktail parties, PTA meetings etc, and everyone says "You smell SO GOOD." This amazing cologne is a mixture of sandalwood, African orange, roses and amber . . . it is a dry, sophisticated, fresh-smelling, absolutely wonderful scent.
Well, girlfriends, now you've had a glimpse into my bathroom cabinet! Please share some of your favorites . . . despite my reliance on old favorites, I love to try new things, and we'll all benefit from your shared wisdom.
Do you know how much you can tell about a person by the contents of her bathroom cabinet? So many of our habits, concerns, hopes, preferences are exposed by the collections of liquids, pills and implements we keep there. Take a look at mine--you could tell in less than a minute that this stuff belongs to a mom who worries about her weight, tries in fits and starts to be healthy, and fights the good fight against encroaching middle age. (You could learn even more by looking at my medicines, but there's only so much I'm going to reveal!). I so envy those women who are comfortable with their au naturel selves. And I don't know who decided that men can have hairy legs but women should be smooth. But I dutifully trudge into the bathroom every morning, where I shave, tweeze, file, brush, polish, moisturize and adorn my mortal self, and emerge to face the day. It's a lot of work, being a woman.
I love learning about grooming products that work so well, people keep buying them over and over again. And I love sharing good info with friends who ask the same nosy questions! There are some things I stockpile, and if I ever hear the company is going out of business, I'll have to fill a warehouse with a lifetime supply.
Here are the ten grooming products I can't live without:
1. Burt's Bees Garden Tomato Toner

I have fussy skin, and this clears up any looming breakouts and gets rid of every trace of soap, dirt or oil. So good I don't mind smelling like a salad.
2. Badger Lavender and Orange Lip Balm

I've tried every lip balm ever made. This makes your lips smooth and soft without feeling greasy or waxy.
3. Big Sexy Hair products

Flat, straight locks like mine need all the help they can get. This makes my hair bouncy, shiny, and as full-looking as its possible for my poor little wisps to get.
4. Beauticontrol Cell Block-C moisturizer

This stuff is a pain to get, you have to order it off the net or from a Beauticontrol consultant. But it works so wonderfully for sensitive skin, doesn't clog your pores, it minimizes wrinkles, and it has SPF protection with vitamin C. And it has a subtle citrus essence that makes you want to eat it.
5. Beauticontrol "Show Of Hands"

Miraculous. Also difficult to obtain, but you can put it on dry, cracked, painful, terrible-looking hands, and a couple of minutes later they're dewy and smooth. I've tried similar products but nothing comes close.
6. Aveeno Baby Wash

I fell into the habit of using this stuff on myself after washing the kids, and it is gentle, thorough and makes you squeaky-clean.
7. Crest Whitening Expressions Vanilla Mint Toothpaste

Great breath, white teeth, terrific flavor.
8. Cutex premoistened Nail Polish Remover Pads

I started to use these just for traveling, but they're so convenient that now I use them at home. One pad does all ten fingers.
9. Mason Pearson Bristle Brush

To buy this legendary brush, you have to dip into your retirement account. But it's so worth it. Great for your scalp and makes your hair smooth and glossy.
10. Royal Secret Cologne

This is the only fragrance I've ever worn that people always ask about. I've been aggressively sniffed by people in airports, grocery checkout lines, cocktail parties, PTA meetings etc, and everyone says "You smell SO GOOD." This amazing cologne is a mixture of sandalwood, African orange, roses and amber . . . it is a dry, sophisticated, fresh-smelling, absolutely wonderful scent.
Well, girlfriends, now you've had a glimpse into my bathroom cabinet! Please share some of your favorites . . . despite my reliance on old favorites, I love to try new things, and we'll all benefit from your shared wisdom.
Lisa Kleypas, 6:30 AM