Squawk Radio

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lisa says "Just do it"

So after several days of suffering with allergies, pouring medicine down my throat and sprawling on the sofa moaning about my sinuses, I went back to exercise today. Have I mentioned how much I dislike exercise? Have I mentioned that running on a treadmill like a hamster on its wheel never gives me the endorphin rush I’ve been told is supposed to happen? “Runner’s high”, they call it, thereby implying that a good hard workout will result in something similar to an orgasm or a shot of cocaine.

I’m still waiting for those endorphins. But I’ll tell you something--I’ve worked out two or three times a week for several months. I'm not even consistent about it. But I feel better, more energetic, my body is more toned, and I can eat dessert without beating myself up about it afterward. For years I avoided working out because I’m basically an all or nothing person. I figured if I wasn’t going to spend an hour and a half in the gym five days a week, it wasn’t worth doing anything. Remember those Jane Fonda workouts in the eighties, which left you half-dead and you felt depressed afterward because you knew no matter what you did you would never have a body like Jane’s?

My point is this : even a little exercise now and then--a fifteen minute walk, a bike ride through the neighborhood, ten sit-ups in the morning--makes a difference. After all these years I’ve finally realized how important it is to carve out this time in your schedule. It will never be convenient, of course. But we devote so much effort to looking after the health of our children and husbands and parents . . . I'm reminding you, dear friends, to take care of yourselves too.

If you have any tips for fitting exercise into our daily routines, some form of exercise that you love, or health tips that work well for you, please share! I found from a recent bone density test that I need more calcium in my diet. The doctor told me every woman should take calcium tablets, no matter what your age, so I’m passing it on to you. Stay healthy, girlfriends!
Lisa Kleypas, 12:13 PM